11 March 2025
Swan-Bites is a twice-weekly college bulletin for parents/carers. If you have any difficulties viewing Swan-Bites on a mobile device, please try a desktop/PC. We welcome any feedback or concerns via enquiries@swanmore-sec.hants.sch.uk
All Pupils
Young Carers Non-Uniform Day – Wednesday 12 March 2025
We would like to remind you that tomorrow, Wednesday 12 March is Young Carers Action Day, and we have decided to support the charity Winchester Young Carers by hosting a non-uniform day at Swanmore College. Pupils can wear their own clothes in exchange for a donation of £1, payable via Scopay or by bringing cash to tutor in the morning. Please note that pupils must dress appropriately i.e.
- No short shorts, skirts or dresses
- No low cut or strappy tops
- No crop tops
- Please wear sensible shoes (no sandals or heels)
Please see the links below for information on the charity and the great work they do in supporting young people. Thank you for your support!
Winchester Young Carers – Tools & Support for Young Carers in Winchester
PE Clubs & Fixtures
Please see the PE calendar on our website for details of all the PE clubs and fixtures taking place this week: Swanmore School - PE Calendar.
Money Machines
The machine in the Swan Café, which accepts notes, is out of order. Pupils will need to bring coins to top up their Swan Café accounts, or this will need to be done online via Scopay please. We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause.
Pottery Enrichment – Unclaimed Work (Summer/Autumn)
Summer 2024 (claim before Easter break) – we still have two crates of unclaimed work from pupils who did the pottery enrichment activity in the summer term 2024 (please see the image attached). If any of this is not claimed by the end of term, it will be disposed of.
Autumn 2025 (claim before May half term) – we had issues with the kiln, so there is a lot of unclaimed work. All of it is fired to ‘bisqueware’ and a few smaller items were glazed. These can either be collected as they are and taken home to decorate, or you can speak to Miss Massey to choose a glaze colour and arrange for it to be painted and fired.
M27 Junction 10 Improvement Bulletin
Hampshire County Council will be publishing a regular bulletin regarding the upcoming M27 Junction 10 Improvement works. Please see attached the latest information.
Year 7
There are no specific items for Year 7 only.
Year 8
There are no specific items for Year 8 only.
Year 9
There are no specific items for Year 9 only.
Year 10
There are no specific items for Year 10 only.
Year 11
Bookings for the final Year 11 virtual parents’ evening on Monday 24 March 2025 are now open. Please see the link in the email sent this week, or on our website here: Swanmore School - Parents' Evenings to log-in and book your appointments. If you have any queries, please contact us via: parentsevening-help@swanmore-sec.hants.sch.uk
Please note that any external clubs / events that are advertised here are not endorsed by or directly affiliated with Swanmore College in any way.