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Statement of Curriculum Intent

Our Pupils

Our aim at Swanmore College is to provide an excellent academic education and experience for all pupils regardless of their prior ability, family circumstances or educational needs. We aim to ensure that pupils leave Swanmore ready for the next stage of their education and life regardless of what that may be. We do this by supporting pupils to become resilient, inquisitive and independent learners ready to take control of their own education and lives.

Our curriculum choices

At KS3, which covers Years 7, 8 and 9, our pupils study the full range of academic subjects as directed by the UK National Curriculum. Pupils make a choice as to which modern foreign language they study starting in Year 7. This enables them to be fully immersed in the language prior to potentially studying it for GCSE. Our Key Stage 3 is based on a mastery approach. This ensures that, with effort, all our pupils will meet expectations. Great teaching, engaging lessons and accurate formative assessment is embedded in all that we do to ensure pupils are challenged in all lessons.

In Year 9, pupils choose which optional subjects to study in Year 10 and 11 for their GCSEs. Pupils can choose from a range of subjects previously studied in Key Stage 3. Pupils can also choose subjects not previously studied. In addition to English, English Literature, Mathematics and Science, pupils can choose an additional three option subjects. We do not mandate that pupils choose to only study EBACC subjects (languages and humanities as well as English, Maths and Science). However, we recommend that where appropriate, pupils choose a balance of subjects that will keep their options open later in their education. For some option subjects we guide the pupil toward the most appropriate course. For example, in PE we currently offer GCSE PE as well as the vocational Cambridge Nationals PE course. Reviewing and adopting, where appropriate, the latest innovative courses allow us to offer the best qualifications for our pupils.

Option choices are limited to three GCSEs. This ensures that the pupils are given an appropriate amount of time in Key Stage 4 in order to do well at these subjects. Our view is that it is more important to be challenged and do well at eight or nine GCSEs as opposed being average at ten or eleven.

At all stages of our curriculum design, we strive to ensure that the sequence of skills and knowledge learned builds as time progresses. We also look to maximise the connections in skills between subjects and have designed our curricula to ensure the links between subjects are optimised. Our curricula are designed to provide our pupils with both academic and life experiences. Our weekly Enrichment programme ensures that all pupils participate in non-academic activities, potentially allowing them to develop lifelong interests and hobbies.

Developing Character

At Swanmore College we embed the development of our pupils’ character into everything that we do. This manifests itself in how we build resilient and independent learnings through our ICC reward system. In addition, we encourage the development of character through encouraging active participation in our Student Council, after school clubs, the weekly enrichment programme, sporting, and music participation and through the Duke of Edinburgh scheme.

Swanmore College has an active PSHE programme delivered during timetabled lessons that allow our pupils to gain knowledge and develop values and skills as part of Relationship, Sex, and Health Education. These lessons are linked to Fundamental British Values and the UNICEF Conventions on Rights of a Child. 

At Swanmore we have an ethos of equality. Our academic subjects are encouraged to teach pupils about people from diverse cultures, ethnicities, and backgrounds. Pupils are encouraged to celebrate diversity, share their views and to listen to, and respond to the views of others in a considered and respectful way.

Our Key Stage three focus

Key Stage three ensures that all our pupils are active readers and can read and comprehend age specific texts. We encourage all pupils to appreciate the importance of academic reading, as well as reading for pleasure.

Key Stage three allows for many opportunities for extended writing across the curriculum, including developing summary skills in their PSHE lessons.  Pupils are encouraged to develop a viewpoint in both written and verbal form; emphasis is placed on expressing views coherently with structured discourse markers.

Throughout Key Stage 3 we aim to ensure that pupils become independent learners and critical thinkers through exposure to a diverse range of topics and opportunities that will support their growth into well-rounded pupils.

Our Key Stage four focus

In Key Stage four as our pupils study their GCSE subjects, we also focus on teaching our pupils how best to recall and revise key facts and skills. Independent learning through online tools and the development of revision strategies is developed in each subject as well as in whole school revision days. Staff understand and make use of the latest cognitive research (e.g. Rosenshine’s Principals) to ensure that learning is embedded and effective.

Our Staff

At Swanmore our curricula are developed and delivered by subject experts. We have a philosophy of continual improvement in our teaching. All staff are encouraged to keep up to date with current academic research both in their own subjects as well as in teaching generally. Staff are encouraged to understand how pupils learn (meta cognition) and to ensure that their teaching practise develops and improves continually. Our Teaching Research Teams draw from many disciplines within the school working collaboratively to research and implement the latest teaching pedagogy.

We carefully monitor and develop our teaching staff to ensure we deliver a positive experience and environment through a highly engaged college team.


Using a blend of different and new KS4 courses allows all pupils to find option subjects that meet their needs.


Our staff work together across all subject areas to ensure teaching pedagogy is current and effective.


Our curriculum ensures that pupils get the best opportunity to exceed their potential when the move to the next stage of their education.