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Weather Hazards & Climate Change


Studying global atmospheric circulation, tropical storms, UK weather hazards and their impacts. We then learn the causes of Climate change and how we could respond to its effects.

Example Key Words - Weather Hazards

Low Pressure

air rising

High pressure

air falling


force of the earth’s spin

Storm Surge

water being picked up by a tropical storm and thrown onto land


A large cloud which forms a tropical storm


centre of a tropical storm

Fundamental British values

Rule of law – looking at how different countries respond to natural hazards and what plans they have in place for people to follow.

Cultural Capital

This gives students the opportunity to discover the mechanisms behind the worlds climate and weather patterns and allows them to see the world from a different perspective.

UN Rights of the Child

25 – social security
27 – adequate standard of living
28 – right to education
39 – recovery from trauma and reintegration

Example Key Words - Climate Change


The last ice age


Period of time that we currently live in


Warm period of time


Cold period of time

Milankovitch Cycles

the changes in the earths orbit around the sun

Fossil Fuels

Coal, oil and gas – finite resources

Fundamental British values

Individual liberty – people use their freedom to make decisions that sometime cause there to be a negative affect on the climate
Mutual respect – we look at how we can respect different cultures and countries who are developing and see how developed nations can take responsibility for their carbon output and protect the poorest communities in our world.

Cultural Capital

This topic is vital for students as this is one of the biggest debates in current society. Students will be able to look at research and argue which position they hold on the causes and the best way to adapt or mitigate in response to our changing world.

UN Rights of the Child

17 – access to information from the media
20 – children unable to live with their family
23 – children with a disability
24 – health and health services

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