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Bugs and Beasties


Awareness of the cause and effect of habitat loss and endangered bugs of the U.K. Colour theory development. Working in 2D and 3D relief.

Technique: Drawing UK bugs and beasts exploring the colours and patterns. Pen, paint, ceramics.

FBV: Rule of law

Cultural Capital: Arts, Environmental.

UN Rights of the Child:
29. Aims of Education
17. Access to information
31. Rest, play, culture, arts

Example Key Words


Pots and other articles made from clay hardened by heat.

A ceramic is any of the various hard, brittle, heat-resistant and corrosion-resistant materials made by shaping and then firing an inorganic, nonmetallic material, such as clay, at a high temperature. Common examples are earthenware, porcelain, and stoneware.

Slab Roll

The slab roll technique involves rolling out clay to an even thickness – usually 1 cm – then cutting shapes, folding, bending, manipulating to form a finished object.

Relief (in clay)

Relief is a sculptural technique in which the sculpted elements remain attached to a solid background of the same material.


To make minor changes to the artwork so as to improve or clarify the end result. 

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