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A reminder about PE kit

Image shows the PE kit expectations poster and the text "a reminder of kit that is acceptable for PE lessons" - link to the uniform page is below

This is a friendly reminder about our uniform policy, specifically regarding PE kit.

We want to ensure all our pupils are comfortable, safe, and ready to participate fully in their PE and dance lessons, and enrichment activities. Wearing the correct kit helps ensure everyone is properly equipped for physical activity.

This is a quick reminder that pupils should wear full PE kit for all PE and Dance lessons, and on Wednesdays for physical enrichment activities.

As announced during the last academic year, the old black Swanmore College hooded tops are only to be worn this school year by pupils in Years 8-11 as they are being phased out, and will not be part of the PE kit from September 2025. They have been replaced by the Swanmore College quarter zip-up top, or pupils can wear a plain black sweatshirt (no logo, zip or hood).

Please do not buy sportswear items with logos for use in PE, Dance or enrichment. The only logo accepted is that of Swanmore College. Black socks should be worn with PE kit; white socks or socks with logos are also not allowed.

We appreciate your support in ensuring pupils adhere to the uniform policy. If a pupil arrives at school wearing incorrect PE kit, their Proud Card will be ticked. Full details of the uniform policy can be found on our website: click here to see the uniform page.

Tagged  PE  Uniform