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Parent Communications

Code of Conduct

  • Parental concerns should be addressed to the person who was most heavily involved in the incident, unless it is of a very personal nature to do with that staff member, in which case it should be addressed for the attention of the curriculum leader/ line manager.
  • The Headteacher will only become involved when there is no resolution.
  • Inflammatory comments or statements should be avoided and the tone should be courteous at all times – emotive and accusatory words such as ‘disgusting’, use of capitals or defamatory statements should not be included. The complaint should reflect the information you have currently received; the assumption should be that you have one version of the matter which is a concern, rather than concluding you have the totality of the information.
  • Defamatory, offensive or derogatory comments on social media sites, or by any means of communication, regarding Swanmore College, its pupils, parents/carers or staff, will not be accepted.
  • Approaching someone else’s child in order to discuss or challenge them because of their actions towards your own child is not acceptable and likely to be reported to the police.
  • Each complainant will represent their own views and should not seek to present themselves as a self-appointed spokesperson for others.
  • We aim to deal with all complaints seriously and work to resolve them. There is no need to threaten with the governors, LA or Ofsted as a means to fast-forward your complaint.
  • Meetings will be arranged where and when it is deemed necessary. Concerns around safety or child protection will be dealt with immediately otherwise appointments will need to be made in advance to meet with a member of staff.
  • Any concerns and complaints which are received which do not comply with our expectations, will be returned unattended until the communications meet the expectations outlined above.
  • Any concerns and complaints, delivered in a meeting or by telephone call, which do not comply with the above, will be reminded of our expectations. Should the behaviour continue, then the conversation will be brought to a close.
  • Parents/Carers who repeatedly breach the terms will be subject to restricted access to staff.

These standards apply to all communications. 

Tucasi/Scopay Parent Communications

Our Parent Communications System provides a reliable method of ensuring that you receive information sent out by the College, within minutes of them sending it!

  • No more trawling the bottom of children’s school bags!
  • No need to ask what happened to ‘that note’!
  • No more missed Parent’s Evenings or other important events!

The service is FREE to parents.

The system links directly to our Management Information System (SIMS). Your information will not be stored by a third party so there are no Data Protection issues.

When you receive a communication from Swanmore College it will come from

All Parents/Carers are automatically opted in to the system, however, you are able to ‘opt out’ should you so wish.

Could we please ask you to ensure that the email and telephone contact details we currently have for you are up to date.

Should you have any questions about the system, please contact us via

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Please click on the link below, scroll down to the bottom and look for the word resubscribe.
If you click on the word ‘resubscribe’, it will take to you to the details to re-subscribe.

Parents' Evenings

The College hosts separate parents’ evenings for each year group, the dates of which are communicated via Tucasi/Scopay and published on the College website. The College uses an electronic booking system which can be accessed via the button below:

Social Media

We use Facebook and Twitter to send out important messages and share photos and achievements of pupils.

To keep up to date with all the latest, please follows us at: