This year's GCSE exams
Find the latest information about your GCSE exam timetables by following this link: /Pupils/Exams/GCSE-exam-timetable-2025.
Please download the attached documents for specific details regarding exams.
You'll be given your individual exam timetable after the Easter holidays. Information about where you'll be taking your exams will be on the Exams notice board outside Pupil Reception during the weeks they are taking place.
If you have any questions or require further assistance, please don't hesitate to contact your teacher or the College's Exams office.
Note: Please refer to the most recent version for the latest information. Once we receive the details, we will update these as soon as possible.
Mock exams
When available, mock exam timetables will be shown here. Please keep checking back for information about your next exams.
Important information for mock exams
- All pupils are either in an examination or normal lessons.
- For all morning examinations, you should report to the examination room at 08:40 P1 or as directed by tutors.
- For mid-morning examinations, you should report to the examination room at 10:50 P3.
- For afternoon examinations, you should report to examination rooms at 13:10 P5.
- If you have exam clashes, you must see Mrs Thorby immediately.
- You will be advised of which room your exams will be held in closer to the time.
If you have any problems or queries, please see Mrs Thorby, the Exams Officer, as soon as possible. The Exams Office is upstairs in S-block.