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Postnatal care and developmental needs (RO57 exam prep 3.2,3.3 and & RO59 NEA 1.1)

Example Key Words


It is the process of learning new skills.

Developmental Norms

Recognised stages in patterns of development.

Physical Development

The way in which the body increases in skill and complexity.

Gross Motor Skills

The use and development of the large muscle groups. Large movements involving the limbs. eg walking, kicking, running

Fine Motor Skills

The small muscles used in precise movements involving hand-eye co-ordination. Sometimes referred to as manipulative skills. Small movements involving the hands. eg pincer grip, fastening buttons, tying shoelaces

Centile Chart

Used to plot the growth measurements (height and weight) of babies and children. This compares their growth to the standard norms to track their physical growth.


FBV: individual liberty, mutual respect

UNCRC: provision rights (health)

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